Reproduction, Globalization and the New War Against Women

Репродукција, глобализација и новата војна против жените


  • Silvia Federici Hofstra University
  • Rodna Ruskovska Identities: Journal for Politics, Gender and Culture



reproduction, globalization, justice, anti-feminism


Author(s): Silvia Federici | Силвија Федеричи

Title (English): Reproduction, Globalization and the New War Against Women

Title (Macedonian): Репродукција, глобализација и новата војна против жените

Translated by (English to Macedonian): Rodna Ruskovska | Родна Русковска

Journal Reference: Identities: Journal for Politics, Gender and Culture, Vol. 13, No. 1-2 (Winter 2016 - Summer 2017)

Publisher: Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities – Skopje 

Page Range: 5-16

Page Count: 13

Citation (English): Silvia Federici, “Reproduction, Globalization and the New War Against Women,” Identities: Journal for Politics, Gender and Culture, Vol. 13, No. 1-2 (Winter 2016 - Summer 2017): 5-15.

Citation (Macedonian): Силвија Федеричи, „Репродукција, глобализација и новата војна против жените“, превод од англиски Родна Русковска, Идентитети: списание за политика, род и култура, т. 13, бр. 1-2 (зима 2016 - лето 2017): 5-16.

Author Biography

Silvia Federici, Hofstra University

Silvia Federici is an Italian-American activist and the author of many works, including Caliban and the Witch and Revolution at Point Zero: Housework, Reproduction, and Feminist Struggle. She was co-founder of the International Feminist Collective, an organizer with the Wages for Housework Campaign, and was involved with the Midnight Notes Collective.




How to Cite

Federici, S., & Ruskovska, R. (2016). Reproduction, Globalization and the New War Against Women: Репродукција, глобализација и новата војна против жените. Identities: Journal for Politics, Gender and Culture, 13(1-2), 5-16.

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