Vol. 3 No. 1 (2004): Vol. 3, No. 1 (Summer 2004) - Issue No. 6

					View Vol. 3 No. 1 (2004): Vol. 3, No. 1 (Summer 2004) - Issue No. 6
  • Publisher: Research Center in Gender Studies - Skopje and Euro-Balkan Institute
  • Authors: Katerina Kolozova, Žarko Trajanoski, Luciana Parisi, Nadezhda Radulova, Jasna Koteska, Armando Gnisci, Kica B. Bolbe, Anne Fausto-Sterling, Katerina Vasilevska, Bobi Badarevski, Marija Ivanovska
  • Language(s): English, Macedonian, Italian, German, Albanian
  • Publication Date: 2004
  • Page Count: 246
  • Print Run: 800
  • Size: 237X208X13




  • Katerina Kolozova: The Grain of the Real within the Identity [EN] | Зрното на реалното во идентитетот [MK]
  • Žarko Trajanoski: The Wakefulness of Reason Creates Monsters as Well: Kant - A Categorical Imperative of Our Time? [EN] | И будноста на разумот креира монструми: Кант - категорички императив на современоста? [MK]


  • Luciana Parisi: For a Schizogenesis of Sexual Difference [EN] | За една шизогенеза на половата разлика [MK]
  • Nadezhda Radulova: Frida Kahlo: A Portrait of a Body [EN] | Фрида Кало: Портрет на едно тело [MK]
  • Jasna Koteska: Sanitary Enigma [EN] | Санитарна енигма [MK]


  • Armando Gnisci: Migrazione e letteratura (la stagione presente e viva) [IT] | Миграциите и литературата (сегашно и живо време) [MK]
  • Kica B. Kolbe: Winterabend [DE] | Зимска вечер [MK]


  • Anne Fausto-Sterling: The Five Sexes: Why Male and Female Are Not Enough [EN] | Петте пола: Зошто машкиот и женскиот не се доволни [MK]
  • Anne Fausto-Sterling: The Five Sexes, Revisited: The Varieties of Sex Will Test the Medical Values and Social Norms [EN] | Петте пола, повторно: Вариететите на полот ќе ги тестираат медицинските вредности и општествените норми [MK]


  • Katerina Vasilevska: Кон Janja Beč (), The Shattering of the Soul [MK] | Për Janja Beč (Ed.), The Shattering of the Soul [AL]
  • Bobi Badarevski: Кон Cheryl Brown Travis (Ed.), Evolution, Gender, and Rape [MK] | Për Cheryl Brown Travis (Ed.), Evolution, Gender, and Rape [AL]
  • Bobi Badarevski: Кон Florence Tamagne, History of Homosexuality in Europe. Europe Between the Wars, 1 [MK] | Për Florence Tamagne, History of Homosexuality in Europe. Europe Between the Wars, Vol. 1 [AL]
  • Bobi Badarevski: Кон Katherine Liepe-Levinson, Strip Show: Performances of Gender and Desire [MK] | Për Katherine Liepe-Levinson, Strip Show: Performances of Gender and Desire [AL]
  • Marija Ivanovska: Кон Collective, Gender and Excellence in the Making [MK] | Për Collective, Gender and Excellence in the Making [AL]
  • Marija Ivanovska: Кон Knut H. Sørensen and James Stewart (Eds.), Digital Divide and Inclusion Measures: A Review of Literature and Statistical Trends on Gender and ICT [MK] | Për Knut H. Sørensen and James Stewart (Eds.), Digital Divide and Inclusion Measures: A Review of Literature and Statistical Trends on Gender and ICT [AL]
  • Marija Ivanovska: Кон Jane L. Parpart et al. (Eds.), Rethinking Empowerment: Gender and Development in a Global/Local World [MK] | Për Jane L. Parpart et al. (Eds.), Rethinking Empowerment: Gender and Development in a Global/Local World [AL]


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Published: 2004-01-01

Literary Supplement
