Submission Preparation Checklist
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.- The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration.
- The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
- Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
- The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (the same applies to URL addresses - no underlining); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end, properly credited.
- The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
Author Guidelines
1. SUBMISSION GUIDELINES (download pdf here)
2. STYLE GUIDELINES (download pdf here)
This document was prepared on: 06/10/2017.
Last updated on: 28/12/2019.
Please read the guidelines below.
Please note that manuscripts not conforming to these guidelines may be rejected.
- General:
- Identities accepts unsolicited manuscripts. However, please note that the admission rate is rather low (currently 7%).
- We do not provide payment.
- The submission process involves Article Processing Charges. You will be notified about this in the course of submission process.
- Submitting your work to Identities means you agree to publish it with us once the manuscript has underwent all necessary steps to see publication, and that you accept the copyright license our journal operates with.
- Please submit manuscript proposals via the online submission system available at Submissions will be accepted via the email only in special circumstances.
- We encourage e-mail inquiries prior to submission.
- We only consider unpublished work. Please do not submit ANY previously published material. In special circumstances, substantially revised published writings might be considered.
- Simultaneous submissions are not welcomed.
- There are no stringent limitations upon the length of submissions, but we would consider 4-8000 words as being in the “typical” range.
- Identities uses non-binary gender pronouns wherever appropriate. Misgendered persons and dead-naming of trans people will be asked to be corrected.
- Identities encourages the use of singular they or its inflected or derivative forms, them, their, theirs, and themselves (or themself), as an epicene (gender-neutral) singular pronoun.
- Articles must be written in clear, grammatical English. Identities provides assistance with language editing/copy-editing and proof-reading upon successful review process. Submissions in poor English will be rejected.
- Types of Writings Accepted:
- Short essays (appr. 1500 to 4000 words).
- Scholarly articles (appr. 4000 to 8000 words, with exceptions).
- Book reviews (appr. 1500 to 2000 words) / Review essays (appr. 3000 to 4000 words).
All proposed manuscripts should fall within the broadly understood scope of the journal outlined on our website (see the About section). We especially invite contributions that engage and debate previously published articles in the journal.
- Submission Format:
Follow closely the instructions listed below to make sure the editors/reviewers will read a clean, finalized version of your manuscript before the peer-review process commences.
- To maintain anonymity in the review process, put names, affiliations, abstract (300-500 words), biographical note (max. 200 words), mailing addresses, phone, and email on a separate title page.
- Citations to an author’s own works should be made in a way that does not compromise anonymity.
- All files must be sent as Microsoft Word/Open Office document (.doc, .docx, .odt).
- Please name your file: surname_abstract, and provide it in above stated format (e.g., ivanova_abstract.doc).
- Please set up your submission in A4 letter-sized format (210mm x 297mm, or 8.26” x 11.69”), with 1” margins, double-spaced, left-indented, using a standard typeface (such as Arial, Helvetica, or Times New Roman) and 12-point font size.
- Please paginate your manuscript (bottom of page, centered).
- Do not use templates (“Styles” > “normal”).
- Images: Please indicate image number and caption in the text (see our Style Guidelines).
- Citation method: see Style Guidelines.
- Bibliographical references: in the footnotes on the page on which the quote appears (the first time full-length, then abbreviated).
- Please use minimal document and font styling in your submission. Avoid from bolding.
- You should have obtained permission for any included copyrighted material (images, maps, etc.) and/or lengthy quotations previously published elsewhere.
- Submission Process, Timing and Response:
- Responses will be provided via the online submission system and/or e-mail correspondence.
- Allow between two and four working weeks for initial editorial reply.
- We are normally publishing one double issue by the end of each year (this is not an exclusive rule), thus plan ahead your submission with that in mind.
- Allow at least six months for editorial engagement and peer-review.
- Upon acceptance of your manuscripts and having checked that our guidelines are followed, the editors will then send your manuscript to be double-blind refereed. On the basis of the advice provided by the referees, the editors will decide whether the piece is appropriate for Identities. If this is the case, we will then work with the contributor to see the article through to final publication.
- If your work is accepted and published in Identities, you will receive two free copies of the journal in which your work appears and in case the issue in question has a print version. The copies will be sent to you upon publication and to the mailing address you have provided earlier. If the address has been changed in the meantime, you should send your new address.
- Peer-Review Process:
- In general, the timeline of your publication will take between 6 to 18 months, depending on when you submit your manuscript (see above).
- To ensure the integrity of the blind peer-review for submission to Identities, every effort should be made to prevent the identities of the authors and reviewers from being known to each other.
- This involves the authors, editors, and reviewers (who upload/exchange documents as part of their review via the online submission and review systems) checking to see if the following steps have been taken with regard to the text and the file properties:
- The authors of the document have deleted their names from the text, with “Author” and year used in the references and footnotes, instead of the authors’ name, article title, etc.
- With Microsoft Office documents (and analogously with Open Office), author identification should also be removed from the properties for the file (e.g., see under File in Word), by clicking on the following, beginning with File on the main menu of the Microsoft application: File > Save As > Tools (or Options with a Mac) > Security > Remove personal information from file properties on save > Save.
- With PDFs, the authors’ names should also be removed from Document Properties found under File on Adobe Acrobat’s main menu.
- Upon completion of the review process, proofs will be sent by PDF to the corresponding author and should be returned promptly (no more than two weeks upon receipt of proofs). Authors are reminded to check their proofs carefully to confirm that all author information, including names, affiliations, sequence and contact details are correct.
- Commissioned writings are a subject of different editorial process.
- Plagiarism, Self-Plagiarism, and Publication Ethics:
- Identities subscribes to OA Publication Ethics standards and guidelines as laid out by COPE (see: We will use COPE’s standards should any complications arise during the process of work or after publication.
- In particular, with respect to (self-)plagiarism, we will follow COPE’s procedures and guidelines (see: and
- Copyright:
- The copyrights allow the audience to download, reprint, quote in length and/or copy articles published by Identities, so long as the authors and source are cited. Publishing your work with us means you accept the license under which we operate. No special permission is required from the authors or the publishers. Identities is published under the following license: CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International.
This document was prepared on: 16/12/2017.
Last updated on: 11/07/2018.
The following is a guide to humanities style of referencing applied by the journal Identities. It is an adaptation of the Chicago Manual of Style (hereafter CMS). For more information, please, consult the Chicago Manual of Style’s latest (17th) print edition, or online here:
- Spelling: We follow American English spelling in all texts, except when British spelling is used in a quotation and then the original format is retained. For instance: if the original quotation contains “criticise” or “behaviour,” please retain this instead of “criticize” or “behavior.”
- Capitalization: DO capitalize styles and periods, whether adjectives or nouns, when referring to a specific style of a specific time. For instance: “Middle Ages.” Follow the CMS in general and consult it for exceptions.
- Titles of books, artworks, films, musical albums, etc., are italicized. For instance: The Real and “I”: On the Limit and the Self.
- Titles of exhibitions, essays, poems, songs, short stories, etc., appear within double quotation marks (“ ”). For instance: “The Dry Salvages.”
- Punctuation: following American standards, punctuation appears within the quotation marks (with the exception of colons or semi-colons, i.e. “blue sky”:). Also consistent with American standards, a serial (Oxford) comma is used in a phrase with three or more elements, preceding with a conjunct - an “and,” “or,” etc.
- Quoting: All quotes appear within double (“x”) quotation marks. The same is the case with words used by an author in a pejorative (critical/disbelieving/sardonic) way, i.e.: I read “serious” philosophers. Single quotations appear only when there is a quotation within a quotation. Quotations within block quotations should be contained with double quotation marks.
- In subheadings, capitalize words. Do not capitalize in sub-subheadings.
- Elipsis: An ellipsis is used to indicate content omitted from a quotation. should be indicated by a single-glyph three-dot ellipsis character, with a space on both sides, that is: (…). If they indicate omitted text, they should be contained in square brackets, that is: […]. They should not be used before the first word of a quotation or after the last word, even if material has been omitted. A period is added before an ellipsis to indicate the omission of the end of a sentence, and a period at the end of a sentence in the original is retained before an ellipsis indicating the omission of material immediately following the period. The first word after an ellipsis is capitalized if it begins a new grammatical sentence. If full paragraphs are omitted, or the omitted material leads into a new paragraph, ellipsis points at the end of the paragraph preceding the omitted part should be included. If the first part of a paragraph is omitted within a quotation, a paragraph indention and ellipsis points appear before the first quoted word (e.g.: “Philosophy is self-reflection, self-consciousness...Philosophy never goes beyond a widened cogito...Philosophy thereby manifests through this nothing more than its own existence and does not demonstrate that it is the Real to which it lays claim, nor that it knows itself as this pretension.”)
- Foreign words and words that need special emphasis are italicized. For instance: Unheimlich. Common academic phrases (such as a priori) are not italicized, but less used ones (such as pace) are.
- Dates/Years: Consistent with American format: February 6, 2005; 1960s; 1990; centuries are spelled out, i.e. the twentieth century, and hyphenated when used as an adjective, i.e. twentieth-century philosophy. Abbreviated decades are written with an apostrophe (not single quotation mark) (i.e., ’60s). Generally, avoid abbreviating decades.
- Numbers: Numbers one through ninety-nine are spelled out; after that numerals are used (i.e., 100). Inclusive numbers are used (with en-dashes: –, as in 300–400; refer to CMS rules), and inclusive years are employed as well, though should always appear with the last two digits (i.e., 1991–99; 2001–08). Exceptions are as follows: units of measurement (figures); dates (figures); people’s ages (figures); approximate numbers (words); at the beginning of a sentence (words); round numbers of a million or more (figures and words).
- Formatting figures: In non-technical texts, separate using commas, not space, in numbers of four digits or more. Do not omit digits between 10 and 19 in any hundred.
- Units of measure: Use metric measures, except where the historical context makes this unsuitable. When an abbreviated unit is used with a number, the number should be followed by a space (i.e. 180 cm).
- Abbreviations: Consult Chapter 10 of CMS.
- Page ranges: for numbers less than 100, use all digits. For numbers higher than 100, use only the changed digits (e.g. 25-29; 109-11; 345-7; 228-34; 398-402)
- Spacing between paragraphs: do not use a full line space after paragraphs, only before and after block quotations, images, tables, etc. Inside the text, the author might want to add spacing between paragraphs when she deems it necessary.
- First paragraph and paragraphs starting after a block quotation, table, etc. are not indented.
- Periods are followed by one space.
- “en-dashes” (double hyphen: – ) are used to separate durations, i.e. 1969–70 (without space in between; see also above in terms of numbering), as well as to separate a series of page numbers in notes (also with no space). We discourage the use of em-dashes (—).
- Hyphenation: Consult the OUP Style Guide, p. 14.
- Serial (Oxford) coma: please use a differentiated approach when using serial coma. We neither reject nor fully integrate its use. Consult CMS for examples.
- Prepositions and conjunctions in titles are not capitalized (e.g. The Poverty of Philosophy), except when they are used adverbially (e.g. For Marx).
- Bibliographies: As will be indicated prior to the section on notes and referencing, Identities requires all texts to NOT have a bibliography at the end of the texts. All notes and references should be in footnotes.
- Diacritics: Please use appropriately when using specific terms, e.g. from other/ancient languages. e.g. sūtra, or in using personal names, e.g. Marina Gržinić.
- “Ibid.” (and subsequently “Idem”) may be used to refer to a single work cited in the note directly above. However, try to avoid long strings of these in the notes. If the source you are citing is discussed at length or if numerous quoted passages are used in your manuscript, add page spans in parentheses directly to the text.
For anything not referred to under these general rules, please consult CMS.
- PLEASE NOTE: As stated above, your submission should not contain a bibliography at the end of the text – your literature should be referred to only in the notes.
- Notes should be double-spaced and superscripted, font size 12.
- We use the footnotes, not endnotes system.
Model: Author’s, editor(s)’, or translator(s)’ name(s), Title in full and in italic, number of volumes [if applicable]: name of volume in italic [if applicable] (place of publication: publisher’s name, year of publication), page number(s) that contain the information.
Subsequent Note: Author surname, title, [Volume number], page number.
Quentin Skinner, Visions of Politics, 2 vols. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002), Vol. 1, 456.
Bat-Ami Bar On (Ed.), Engendering Origins: Critical Feminist Readings in Plato and Aristotle (Albany, New York: State University of New York Press, 1994).
Subsequent notes:
Skinner, Visions of Politics, Vol. 2, 243.
Bar On, Engendering Origins.
- If author’s name is abbreviated, initials should not have spacing, e.g.: W.H. Auden; G.W.F. Hegel.
Edward Hallett Carr, The Bolshevik Revolution, 1917-1923 (Harmondsworth: Penguin, 1966), Vol. 3, 170-3.
Subsequent note: Carr, The Bolshevik Revolution, Vol. 1, 67.
- If a single volume in a multivolume work has a separate title, include it italicized after the volume number separated by a “:”. E.g.: Capitalism and Schizophrenia, Vol. 1: Anti-Oedipus.
Benjamin H. Dunning, Specters of Paul: Sexual Difference in Early Christian Thought, Divinations: Rereading Late Ancient Religion, ed. by Daniel Boyarin, Virginia Burrus and Derek Krueger (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2011).
- Series are not usually referred to.
E.R. Dodds, The Greeks and the Irrational (1951; reprint, Berkeley, California: University of California Press, 1973), 9.
Subsequent note: Dodds, The Greeks and the Irrational, 80.
E.R. Dodds, The Greeks and the Irrational, 2nd edition (Berkeley, California: University of California Press, 1963), 9.
Subsequent note: Dodds, The Greeks and the Irrational, 80.
- Use “2nd edition” rather than “second edition” or “ed.”
- There is no need to repeat the type of edition in subsequent notes.
Berthold Litzmann, Clara Schumann: An Artist’s Life, trans. by Grace E. Hadow (New York: Vienna House, 1972), 202.
Alan W. Cafruny and Magnus Ryner (Eds.), A Ruined Fortress? Neoliberal Hegemony and Transformation in Europe (Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield, 2003).
Subsequent notes:
Litzmann, Clara Schumann: An Artist’s Life, 203.
Cafruny and Ryner, A Ruined Fortress?
When citing a chapter from the already cited edited book, cite the chapter as per the model (see below under “Chapter or article in an edited volume etc.”), followed by the abbreviated reference for the book in the subsequent notes. E.g.:
Stephen Gill, “A Neo-Gramscian Approach to European Integration,” in A Ruined Fortress?, ed. by Cafruny and Ryner, 47-70.
- A book with an editor in place of an author includes the abbreviation Ed. (Editor; for more than one editor, use Eds.). Note that the shortened form does not include ed.
- If translated or edited book, please use “trans. by” and/or “ed. by.”
Alison Prentice et al., Canadian Women: A History (Toronto: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1988), 121-23.
Subsequent note: Prentice et al., Canadian Women.
- In notes, usually only the name of the first three authors is given; if more, followed by et al. (et al. is a Latin abbreviation meaning “and others”). If the number of authors/editors is more than three, include the names of the first three mentioned authors/editors followed by et al. However, in subsequent notes, use name of first author/editor only + et al. [The same rule applies to other types of publications such as articles.]
Eduardo Cadava, Peter Connor and Jean-Luc Nancy (Eds.), Who Comes After the Subject? (London and New York: Routledge, 1991).
Subsequent note: Cadava, Connor and Nancy, Who Comes After the Subject?
- Please do not use serial coma to separate the last author’s name.
Dorothy Louise Hodgson, “Wicked” Women and the Reconfiguration of Gender in Africa (Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann, 2001), 23,
Subsequent note: Hodgson, “Wicked” Women, 35.
- A DOI (Digital Object Identifier) is a unique string of numbers and letters permanently applied to the content of an article or E-book. E-books are cited exactly the same as a print book, with the addition of a DOI or URL at the end of the note or bibliography entry. If the library database provides a stable URL, provide that one. If the work is paginated, include the page number in your footnote. If the work is unpaginated, provide a chapter number or section title.
- In all online resources, including books, please use www instead of http.
- Please make sure that all links are plain text, not underlined.
Charles Bigg, Neoplatonism (London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1885), 38,
Subsequent note: Bigg, Neoplatonism, 50.
- If the book is a reprint edition, include both the original publication date and the newer, electronic publication date, as well as the name of the online collection from which it was retrieved.
- If it is a contemporary book from Google Books or other online e-book collection, cite the book as you would a print book and include the URL at the end of the citation.
An exhibition catalog is often published as a book and is treated as such.
Stefka Tsaneva, Sofia Queer Forum 2014: Manifestations of the Personal (Sofia: KOI Books, 2014). Exhibition catalogue.
Subsequent note: Tsaneva, Sofia Queer Forum 2014.
Identities: Journal for Politics, Gender and Culture, Vol. 11, No 1 (2011), Special Issue: Heretical Realisms, ed. by Katerina Kolozova and Stanimir Panayotov.
- Do not italicize the name of the special issue.
Model: author’s name, “full title of the article contributed,” in title of book, ed. by editor’s name [if applicable; in case of monograph, insert only book title] (place of publication: publisher’s name, year of publication), page number(s).
A.H. Armstrong, “The Escape of the One. An Investigation of Some Possibilities of Apophatic Theology Imperfectly Realized in the West,” in Plotinian and Christian Studies (London: Varorium Press, 1979), 121.
Gabor Betegh, “Eschatology and Cosmology: Models and Problems,” in La costruzione del discorso filosofico nell’età dei Presocratici. The Construction of Philosophical Discourse in the Age of the Presocratics, ed. by Maria Michela Sassi (Pisa: Edizioni della Normale, 2006), 45.
Subsequent notes:
Armstrong, “The Escape of the One,” 125.
Betegh, “Eschatology and Cosmology,” 47.
Model: author’s name, “title of article,” title of periodical + Volume no., issue no. [optional]
(month and year of publication [month is optional but helpful]), page number.
Christopher S. Mackey, “Lactantus and the Succession to Diocletian,” Classical Philology, Vol. 94, No. 2 (1995), 205.
Subsequent note: Mackey, “Lactantus,” 206.
- Journal citations should include the volume number as well as the issue number and month or season (if available).
- Put volume and issue numbers in Arabic numerals. Seasons are capitalized and spelled out in full. Months may be abbreviated or spelled out in full. For example:
Fischer Black and Myron Scholes, “The Pricing of Options and Corporate Liabilities,” The Journal of Political Economy, Vol. 81, No. 3 (May-June 1973), 637.
- In case of article from a library database: when citing a URL from a library database, do not use the URL from the browser’s address bar. Use a shortened, stable URL provided by the database (look for an icon or link called permalink, stable URL or persistent link).
- If no stable URL or DOI is available, then include the database name.
- A DOI is always preferable to a URL in a citation. If no DOI is available, use a stable URL.
- In case of article freely available on the internet: cite the paragraph number if provided (e.g., par. 16) if no page numbers are provided in a full-text article.
Elie Ayache, “The Turning,” Wilmott Magazine (June 2010), 36,
Subsequent note: Ayache, “The Turning,” 37.
- Weekly and monthly magazines are usually cited by date only, even if they have volume and issue numbers, though this is not universally valid. Cite the specific page in your note.
- Often online magazines may or may not have periodicity and pagination, so refer accordingly.
Tamar Lewin, “Disability Requests Reflect Changes in Academics Testing Procedure,” New York Times, November 8, 2003.
Subsequent note: Lewin, “Disability Requests,” [page number if available].
- When citing a newspaper article, page numbers are almost never needed for contemporary papers, as multiple editions preclude their accuracy. Also, the online versions of many newspapers require subscriptions and move articles to pay-to-read archives after a certain period of time; citation to online versions of most newspapers should be avoided.
Bogna Konior, “Review of After the “Speculative Turn”: Realism, Philosophy, Feminism, ed. by Katerina Kolozova and Eileen A. Joy,” Canadian Society for Continental Philosophy, November 27, 2017,
Subsequent note: Konior, “Review of After the “Speculative Turn.””
- Book reviews may or may not have titles, so refer accordingly: title first, then book data.
There are two models to follow. In each, if there is a conference name that is applicable please include in citation. Choose from the following:
Model 1: Presenter’s name, “Title of Paper,” (lecture/paper [term accordingly], conference name [if applicable], location of presentation, City, State/Province/Country, Date).
Stacy D’Erasmo, “The Craft and Career of Writing” (lecture, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, April 26, 2000).
Model 2: Presenter’s name, Year. “Title of Paper,” Paper/lecture presented at conference name [if applicable] location, City, State/Province/Country, Date.
Edward Butler, 2010. “The Henadic Structure of Providence in Proclus.” Paper presented [or: Lecture delivered, term accordingly] at the Department of Classics, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, March 11, 2010.
- Add name of the event (conference, seminar, etc.) where available. Event name should be italicized.
Printed reference works
Oxford English Dictionary, 2nd edition, s.v. “Topaz.”
Online reference works
Oxford English Dictionary, 2nd edition, s.v. “Topaz,” March 2012, /view/Entry/XYZ.
- The abbreviation s.v. signifies the Latin sub verbo, meaning “under the word.”
- An online reference work is cited the same way as a printed work, with the addition of the date of last revision, or the access date. If the entry cites a stable URL address, include it. Otherwise, use the URL for the homepage.
Davor Löffler, Rekursion zivilisatorischer Kapazitäten als Entwicklungsmuster in der Zivilisationsgeschichte (Doctoral Dissertation, Freie Universität in Berlin, 2017), 17.
Subsequent note: Löffler, Rekursion zivilisatorischer Kapazitäten, 18.
- Unlike standard CMS practice, we prefer italicizing theses’ titles.
University of Chicago Press, The Chicago Manual of Style, 16th edition (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2010), 65,
United Nations, “Universal Declaration of Human Rights” (1948), 2,
Subsequent note: United Nations, “Universal Declaration,” 4.
- Provide the organization as author in the bibliography even if the organization is also the publisher.
- When possible, provided bracketed place of publication and publisher.
- Note that the online version is cited exactly the same as a print version, with the addition of a URL.
British Columbia, Report of Royal Commission on Matters Relating to the Sect of Doukhobors in the Province of British Columbia, 1912 (Victoria: King’s Printer, 1913), T22.
Subsequent note: British Columbia, Report of Royal Commission, T24.
Liam Jones, “Interview with Katerina Kolozova,” Figure/Ground, April 22, 2013,
Timotheus Vermeulen, “Borrowed Energy. Interview with Rosi Braidotti,” Frieze, August 12, 2014,
Subsequent notes:
Jones, “Interview with Katerina Kolozova.”
Vermeulen, “Borrowed Energy.”
- Interviews may or may not have titles. They may be audio interviews or published ones, so refer accordingly.
- Usually the authorship lies with the interviewer, not the interviewee.
Marina Gržinić, telephone interview by the author, October 2, 2006.
Marina Gržinić, personal communication, January 8, 2011.
The Lottery (London: J. Watts, 1732), 18.
- File format: JPG, TIFF
- Resolution: at least 300 dpi
- Size: at least 16.5 x 22.0 cm for an image on one page, at least 33 x 22.0 cm for an image on a double page, A4 (210 x 297 mm)
- Please name images clearly: name of author_Figure.1
Consecutively numbered, indicating the artist’s name, title of work, year of production. Titles of all works are italicized.
Model: Figure 1. Author, Example, 2014.
Figure 1. Velimir Žernovski, Beyond the Blackness, 2018.
Model: Figure 1. Artist, title of work, production year, medium/format, place if applicable. Photo: XY. Courtesy of ABC.
Figure 1. Velimir Žernovski, Beyond the Blackness, 2018, installation view, Museum of Contemporary Art, Skopje. Photo: Samir Ljuma. Courtesy of the artist and MoCA.
- The images are to be numbered; directly underneath each provide only the basic data (artist, title of work, production year). The full information, including the name of the photographer and “courtesy of”, are to be written separately.
- You should have obtained permission to use all image, tables, graphics, etc. from their original authors/copyright holders prior to publication, and state so where necessary.
- For music, film, sound recordings, audio archives, etc., please consult CMS.
For anything not referred to under these general rules, please consult CMS.
See Style and Submissions Guidelines.
Short Essays
See Style and Submissions Guidelines.
See Style and Submissions Guidelines.
Copyright Notice
Identities is published under the following license: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0). Under this license, users of our content must give appropriate credit to authors and source as well as indicate if changes were made, cannot be used for commercial purposes, and, in the instance that it is built upon or transformed, may not be distributed. For Identities, the copyrights allow the audience to download, reprint, quote in length and/or copy articles published by Identities so long as the authors and source are cited. For more information on our license, see the following:
Privacy Statement
The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.