Zarathustra (Un)Vaccinated

(Не)ваксинираният Заратустра


  • Zlatomir Zlatanov Independent Researcher
  • Stanimir Panayotov Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities - Skopje


COVID-19, pandemic


Author(s): Zlatomir Zlatanov | Златомир Златанов

Title (English): Zarathustra (Un)Vaccinated

Title (Bulgarian): (Не)ваксинираният Заратустра

Translated by (Bulgarian to English): Stanimir Panayotov | Станимир Панайотов

Journal Reference: Identities: Journal for Politics, Gender and Culture

Publisher: Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities - Skopje  

Page Range: 90-96

Page Count: 7

Citation (English): Zlatomir Zlatanov, “Zarathustra (Un)Vaccinated,” translated from the Bulgarian by Stanimir Panayotov, Identities: Journal for Politics, Gender and Culture, Vol. 17, No. 1 (Summer 2020): 90-95.

Citation (Bulgarian): Златомир Златанов, “(Не)ваксинираният Заратустра,” Identities: Journal for Politics, Gender and Culture, Vol. 17, No. 1 (Summer 2020): 90-96.

Author Biographies

Zlatomir Zlatanov , Independent Researcher

Zlatomir Zlatanov (1953) is a poet, writer, and critic, one of the mavericks of Bulgarian postmodernism, author of Palino­dies (1989), largely considered the first openly postmodernist poetry book in Bulgaria. His novelette Exitus (1982) was adapt­ed for the 1989 movie with the same title directed by Krassimir Kroumov (to this day considered one of the most representative Bulgarian films concerning the perestroika). Zlatanov is most (in)famously known for his poetry book On the Island of the Copro­philes (1997). In the late 1990s and early 2000s he began develop­ing an increasingly theoretical lexis (beginning with Protocols for the Other, 2000) and later engaged with the thought of Lacan and Badiou, publishing novels such as Lacanian Networks (2005) and the series of essays, Alain Badiou, Or, the Persistence of Illogical Worlds (2008).

Златомир Златанов (1953) е поет, писател и критик, един от видните представители на българския постмодернизъм, ав­тор на стихосбирката Палинодии (1989), до голяма степен смятана за първата отворено постмодернистка стихосбирка в България. През 1989 г. новелата му „Екзитус“ (1982) е адапти­рана в киното за филма със същото име от Красимир Крумов (и до днес филмът се счита за един от най-представителните български филми за перестройката). Златанов е най-познат с поетичната си книга На острова на копрофилите (1997). През 90-те и 10-те на 20 век развива все по-теоретична лексика (за­почвайки с Протоколи за другия, 2000), а по-късно се ангажи­ра с мисълта на Лакан у Бадиу, като публикува блогоромана Лаканиански мрежи (2005) и серията есета Ален Бадиу, или упорството на нелогичните светове (2008).

Stanimir Panayotov, Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities - Skopje

Stanimir Panayotov has recently defended his Ph.D. in Comparative Gender Studies at the Central European University, and is currently Fellow at Center for Advanced Studies Sofia, Bulgaria, and Visiting Lecturer at Institute of Social Sciences and Humanities - Skopje. He works at the intersections of continental and feminist philosophy, non-philosophy, late antique philosophy and new/speculative realism.




How to Cite

Zlatanov , Z. ., & Panayotov, S. (2020). Zarathustra (Un)Vaccinated: (Не)ваксинираният Заратустра. Identities: Journal for Politics, Gender and Culture, 17(1), 90-96. Retrieved from

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